
Army MES Syllabus PDF, Check Exam Pattern and Other Details

Download MES Syllabus and the detailed exam pattern here from the article. Boost your preparation by understanding the marking scheme, topics to prepare, number of questions, etc.

Army MES Syllabus PDF: The Military Engineering Services (MES) is an essential organization under the Indian Army, responsible for providing engineering and infrastructure support to the armed forces. This includes designing, constructing, and maintaining military infrastructure such as buildings, roads, airfields, water supply systems, and power supply systems. Aspirants preparing for defense exams often search for the MES Syllabus to crack the MES written examination.

Army MES Syllabus PDF Overview

For more comprehensive information regarding the MES Exam Pattern and Detailed Syllabus, candidates can refer to the provided link.

Exam Conducting BodyMilitary Engineering Services (MES)
Post NameJE, MTS, LDC, UDC, MATE, and CMD, etc
CategoryGovt Jobs
LocationAll India
MES Official

Army MES Syllabus

MES Syllabus is being provided to help candidates prepare for the examination and serve their country by joining the Military Engineering Services. MES conducts recruitment for various posts and engineering disciplines, offering opportunities for civil engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and roles like MTS, Meter Reader, LDC, UDC, MATE, and other technical positions. Aspiring candidates can refer to the MES Syllabus specific to different posts to structure their exam preparation effectively.

Candidates aspiring to join the Defence Forces through the MES exam should seek information about the exam pattern, marking scheme, number of questions, and other relevant details. While the MES syllabus might have undergone some changes, candidates must familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and syllabus. By understanding the exam pattern and studying the syllabus in detail, candidates can better prepare themselves for the MES exam and increase their chances of success.

The MES exam evaluates candidates’ expertise in four primary areas: General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English and General Awareness, and Specialized Subjects. Before the exam, it is essential for candidates to extensively prepare by familiarizing themselves with the complete MES Syllabus. The syllabus for each section is as follows:


MES Syllabus PDF Download | CLICK HERE
MES Previous Year Papers | CLICK HERE
MES Study Material / Notes / Books | CLICK HERE
General Intelligence & ReasoningAnalogy 
Blood Relation
Coding Decoding 
Direction & Distance
Figures Classification
Number Series 
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Order & Ranking
Verbal Reasoning
Word Formation
Numerical AptitudeComplex Numbers
Continuity Conic Sections
3 Dimensions
Indefinite Integrals
Mixtures & Allegations
Mensuration- Cylinder, Cone and Sphere
Number System
Probability Profit & Loss
Permutation, Combination and Probability
PercentageRatio & Proportion
Relation & Function
Sequence & Series
Straight Lines
Set Theory
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Surds & IndicesTime & Distance
Work & Time
General English and General AwarenessCloze Test
Fill in the blanks
Para JumblesPara/Sentence Completion
Reading Comprehension
Spotting Errors
Sentence Correction
Sentence Improvement

Army MES Exam Pattern

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarksDurationPWD
General Intelligence & Reasoning2525120 minutes2 hours 40 minutes
Numerical Aptitude2525
General English & General Awareness2525
Specialized Topics2550

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Fazil Zargar

With over 8 years of experience, Fazil Zargar specializes in writing about job vacancies in the government sector of India. His articles provide valuable insights and timely updates on job opportunities across various government departments. Fazil's expertise helps job seekers stay informed about the latest recruitment processes, application procedures, and eligibility criteria.
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