JKSSB Constable Syllabus PDF: The Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) has released the Syllabus for the Written Test of Constable (Executive/ Armed/ IRP/SDRF/Phogrpahy/Telecommunication) posts. For aspiring candidates, the JKSSB Constable Syllabus is released on the JKSSB website.
By thoroughly understanding the syllabus, individuals can prepare effectively and attain favorable results in the examination. This article presents a comprehensive overview of the JKSSB Constable (Executive/ Armed/ IRP/SDRF) Syllabus.
Overview of JK Police Constable Syllabus PDF
For a comprehensive understanding of the JK Police Constable Exam, we have compiled important information in the table below. Candidates are urged to refer to the following table for crucial details about JK Police Constable Syllabus:
Organisation | Jammu Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) |
Post Name | Constable |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Department | Home Department- Director General of Police, J&K Police |
Selection Process | Written Test Physical Standard Test Physical Endurance Test |
Salary | Level-2 (Rs. 19,900 – Rs. 63,200) |
Official Website | www.jkssb.nic.in |
Candidates can Download the syllabus from the Official Link given as follows:
JKSSB Constable Exam Pattern
In the table, we have listed down the exam pattern of the written Exam of the JKSSB Constable Exam 2024. Candidates are advised to take note of it before preparing for the exam.
- The written test will be 100 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 2 hours.
- Only multiple-choice questions will be asked.
- The question paper will be in the English Language
- For per correct mark, 1 mark each will be allotted.
- A negative marking of 0.25 marks is allotted for every wrong answer.
- Marks scored by candidates in the written test will be normalized, if required, to determine final merit and cut-off marks.
The subjects/Topics included in the JK Police Constable Recruitment Exam has been provided below:
Subjects |
General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs India |
General Knowledge (GK) with special reference to J&K |
Numerical and Reasoning Ability |
Basic Concept of Computers |
Technical Questions for Constable (Photography/Telecommunications) |

Important Links |
Download JKSSB Constable Syllabus PDF | CLICK HERE |
Download JKSSB Police Study Material PDF | CLICK HERE |
JKSSB Police Constable Previous Year Question Papers | CLICK HERE |
Selection Process of JKSSB Constable Recruitment 2024:
The selection process consists of the following stages;
1- Written Test (The Syllabus for the posts is notified above)
2- Physical Standard Test (PST)
3- Physical Endurance Test (PET)